Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Big boy food...

Gabriel has been determined to try whatever momma is eating. He watches me intently and then reaches out so he may try some. Here is Gabriel tasting peas and drinking water. For lunch today, he tasted mashed bananas.


Katie Davis said...

So cute! I love that he is so interested and tries to mimick. I like the one with a pea sticking out of his mouth.

Naomi said...

I can't wait to see what he does with a birthday cake in October. :)

Gramma Sarah said...

Sometimes we mashed up peas or used a baby food grinder to mush our table food up cuz little guys don't have any teeth yet and they love what we eat! Wait'll he discovers Cheerios!

Anonymous said...

Way too cute! He looks so big... growing up so quickly. Mashed bananas - perfect.